Proofreading services


I am now opening up my writerly bosom to anyone seeking proofreading services.

Rates are £24/hr. Each project is different and the amount of work necessary varies, so hourly rates are more dependable than a per-page estimate.

I’m happy to take both fiction and non-fiction and to work with any requests or instructions you might have.

Backed by membership of SfEP and a dozen successful projects for authors such as Marissa de Luna, Tim Arnot and Debbie Martin, anyone interested should drop me a line at

After Rob had worked on my manuscript I was in for a shock. It read much better. He tweaked it and tidied it up to help it flow well and sound great. He took the time to get to grips with my style and understand what I was trying to achieve.

But more than that he gave me some insightful comments that helped me to view my work with a different perspective. He made some great suggestions that helped me improve the clarity of the work. In addition he asked some pertinent questions that got me thinking about how to deliver my message with clarity.

Rob had a real impact on my book and that I why I have no hesitation in recommending Rob for your next project.

– Duncan Bhaskaran Brown, author of 21st Century Mayor

Thanks so much for all your insightful and honest observations. When you are so close to the material you sometimes don’t see things that are, once pointed out, glaringly obvious.

Thanks again for such a thorough job. The book will be much better as a result of your input.

– Jason Butler, author of Money Moments